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I thought about titling this “How to be a radical disciple without going on the World Race”.  There are circumstances – such as the World Race – that seem inherently “radical”.  The steps of faith, the ministry opportunities, the challenges and the Kingdom impact are all clear.  The routines are less settled.  The stories and pictures “prove” you are living radically.
But what if it is not that clear cut?  What if you have to look for opportunities within your “ordinary” life?  The desire to be a radical disciple stirs in many of us who live more “normal” lives, constrained by full-time jobs, family commitments, stage of life issues and the like.  So how do we live as radical disciples?
I recently found a journal where I had begun to jot down thoughts.  This isn’t a full discussion with all the appropriate qualifiers.  It’s merely some thoughts from years of wrestling and seeking. 
How to live as a radical disciple (the first 6 thoughts – with the rest of the list coming tomorrow):

1.    Take listening prayer seriously.  Make a commitment ahead of time to believe that God will speak to you.  Work toward instantaneous obedience when you know it is His voice.   Believe He speaks in the little things (“go talk to that lonely person”) as well as the big things (“move to Africa”).
2.    Do not disguise fear as wisdom.  Be brutally honest.  Resist the temptation to dismiss things by saying “I don’t think it is wise to …” when you really mean “I’m afraid to ….”
3.    Don’t live self-protectively.  You’ll know what this looks like in your own life.  Maybe you begin to make decisions that the world might consider foolish.  Or when you feel the Spirit’s nudge, you give away more than you think you can afford.  But you make a daily choice to listen to Him first and then to trust Him to provide what you need – physically, emotionally, financially and in every other way.  It is no longer primarily your responsibility to create security in your life.
4.    Consider whether you want your life to be characterized by supernatural gifting or only by “inherent talent”.  Obviously there is a lot of overlap.  But I want a ministry in the Kingdom that cannot be explained by my “natural talent”.  I want there to be a component that can only be explained by the presence of God.  Have the courage to ask for that, knowing that it is like jumping off a cliff.
5.    Spend time thinking about the difference between desire and call.  I believe there’s a big overlap but I don’t think they are exactly the same.  Learn contentment where you are called and ask Him to open your eyes to see why He has you there.  Commit to His ministry – even if you would have chosen a different one.  Ask Him to align your heart with His in this particular place and this particular season of your life.  [Note:  Tomorrow's list will have the balancing thoughts on being open to changing your circumstances.]
6.    Ask the Lord to show you where you still hold on to a sense of entitlement.  It can be overt (“I’m entitled to a certain lifestyle”) or it can be subtle (“Because of all I’ve gone through, I’m entitled to have it easier for a while”).  A sense of entitlement will rob you of joy.

Check back tomorrow for Part Two …

5 responses to “Living Radically … in your everyday life (Part One)”

  1. Betty,

    This is excellent. When I saw the title I said to myself “Can my life get more radical than it is now?” After I read this blog I said to myself: “Yes”

    Thanks and all the best from Barbara and me.

  2. Betty,

    You have some wonderful things to consider here, and I’m impressed at how you’ve put such wisdom into such quickly delivered points.

    I’m excited to see where you’re headed with your blog, and will be back often.



  3. Betty,
    So much from your heart that will stir the same things in our hearts as well……thank you so much!