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As promised, here's the rest of my list – things that have helped me grow.  (For the first six items see Part One)

7.   Make no assumptions  that your “normal” life will stay normal.  Small acts of radical discipleship often lead to bigger leaps of faith.
8.    Look for opportunities to be generous in non-financial ways.  Be generous with praise, with time, with compassion, with little acts of assistance.  Learn people's "love language" as part of your generosity to them. 
9.    Experiment with doing things anonymously.  Being invisible for a season can be stretching and can drive you closer to the Father when your other sources of affirmation become unavailable.
10.  Disrupt your routine from time to time.  Continually look for opportunities to get out of your comfort zone.  Do little things regularly (e.g., spend time with someone you wouldn’t normally spend time with) but occasionally do big things as well (e.g., a mission trip).
11.  Admit that boredom is not an option as a lifestyle.  If you are bored, ask Him what Kingdom work you are not seeing right around you.
12.  Distinguish between appropriate self-care/relaxation/leisure and self-medication, avoidance or numbing behavior.  I believe in "down time" and "just fun".  I spend time on the couch in front of the TV from time to time.  Learn your needs (what nourishes you and refills your tank) but also learn what constitutes an unhealthy or unproductive escape.  Brother Lawrence, in The Practice of the Presence of God, says something along these lines:  "How sad it is to trade fellowship with God for the trivial."  [My paraphrase.  After all these years I can't guarantee it's an exact quote.]
13.  Recognize that your time – as well as your other resources – belongs to the Lord.  And that includes your “job” time, not just your “discretionary” time.  Do you feel a sense of call – either directly or indirectly – in what you do?  Does your job allow you to accomplish or provide for things related to the Kingdom?  Or does it interfere with your Kingdom call?  Is there a persistent nudge from the Spirit that things are not right?  Is there a nagging sense of "something more" that doesn't go away.  Pay attention.  Ask the Lord what it means.  Is the "location" not right?  Is the work/family balance not right?  Is timing/season of life an issue?
14.  If hard things – job losses, economic shifts – occur, look for God’s hand and consider whether you’re being pushed out of the nest, being forced to do something you wouldn’t do on your own.
15.  Hold "things" lightly.  This is not an “anti-wealth”, “anti-nice things” statement.  It is about availability, about not blindly buying into our culture's view of consumerism.  Be ready and willing to sacrifice "things"- if called to – for the greater joy of serving the Kingdom.

So, what have I missed?  Any thoughts that should be added to the list?


3 responses to “Living Radically … in your everyday life (Part Two)”

  1. i believe you are dead on with all your thoughts about radically living! This subject has been in the forefront of my thoughts lately as my life circumstances have changed alot in the past couple years and will continue to change in the next couple years ahead. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this subject!